In Game is a web series about being an outsider among outsiders, set in the world of the Live Action Role Playing (or LARPing) community. Written in collaboration with some of the top comedy talent in New York City and starring funny people from The Upright Citizens Brigade, Broadway, and TV, you can find out more about the series at its website.
Forcing It - Full Series Master Cut
Forcing It is a docu-series about life among the little people who work on the crown jewel of The Empire: The Death Star. Have you ever wondered what it’s like for Stormtrooper TK420 to endure the boredom of literally staring into space all galactic-standard-day-long? Or the perils of Stormmiddlemanagement? The challenges of a Storminteriordecorator? This series takes an unflinching look at their lives, and even reveals where the bathrooms are on the Empire’s greatest weapon.